Futureproof - Bulletproof concurrent.futures#

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concurrent.futures is amazing, but it’s got some sharp edges that have bit me many times in the past.

Futureproof is a thin wrapper around it addressing some of these problems and adding some usability features.


  • Monitoring: a summary of recent completed tasks is logged by default.

  • Fail fast: errors cause the main thread to raise an exception and stop by default.

  • Error policy: the user can decide whether to raise, log or completely ignore errors on tasks.

  • Backpressure control: large collections of tasks are consumed lazily as the executor completes tasks, drastically reducing memory consumption and improving responsiveness in these situations.

Current status: Alpha#

The API is subject to change, any changes will be documented in the changelog.

Futureproof was designed to wrap ThreadPoolExecutor, however version 0.2+ includes limited support ProcessPoolExecutor but only for Python3.7+.